Hot Bods: 'I eat whatever my mother cooks for dinner'

Mr Raveen Mannar works in financial services while Ms Sophia Syed is an investment financial analyst. ST PHOTO: KUA CHEE SIONG

SINGAPORE - Meet this week's hot bods: Mr Raveen Mannar, 38, and financial analyst Sophia Syed, 24.

Raveen Mannar, 38

Financial services

Height: 1.65m

Weight: 64kg

Exercise regimen

I exercise five to six times a week for 60 to 90 minutes each session, and I do weight-based strength training.

At the gym, I do squats, benchpresses, dead lifts, core-training and pull-ups. With each session, I always try to achieve more repetitions and weight. I walk my dogs and try to clock 10,000 steps a day. I play seven-a-side football once a week. I exercise to keep fit because I love to play football.


For the most part of the day, I watch my calorie intake carefully, breaking it down into proteins, carbohydrates and fats. I have oatmeal, banana, fruit and protein powder for breakfast; and white fish, canned tuna, chicken breast or minced turkey with rice or bread for my next two meals. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

For dinner, I eat whatever my mother cooks. When I am with family or friends, I do not watch my diet and just enjoy the food and company. I do not take drinks with sugar, but reward myself with a Coke once a week.

Sophia Syed, 24

Investment financial analyst

Height: 1.65m

Weight: 52kg

Exercise regimen

I run 5km thrice a week on weekdays and 10km on Sundays. I also go to the gym two to three times a week on alternate weeks, doing legwork exercises like hip thrusts, squats and Romanian dead lifts.

I also do upper-body exercises like pull-ups, lateral pulls and dumbbells. In addition, once a week, I do a full-body workout like high-intensity interval training.


I take a lot of protein like chicken breast. I like to cook my meals to take to work.

I also eat lots of vegetables, fruit and smoothies. I do not skip meals, drink alcohol or take red meat.

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